Monday, March 7, 2011

Dirty Mustaches

What are we going to do with all of these illegal Mexicans jumping our bordering without even shaving?  They have to notice that nobody in their race can grow a real full mustache.  Look at this kid that I saw hopping our border...

How can this be allowed in our country?  And look at the person to the right of him wearing a red jacket.  Who wears red jackets anymore?  Every REAL U.S. citizen knows that you are only allowed to wear black, white, navy blue, orange, or rainbow jackets in this country.  Only red COATS are allowed to be worn.  Who do they think they are coming into our country with dirty mustaches, red coats, and the unusual entertainment of seeing a octagonal meatball take a tumble to the floor.  Please comment on why these creatures should not enter the US and help build up a defense in Djibouti just incase this ugly species tries to reach it.


  1. do you think just because in US, you own the place? all of you guys are immigrants from various countries settled in the US. So, respect diversity else you will not be eating pizzas or tacos anymore.
